Passive Voice

Passive Voice Definition Passive voice is a grammatical construction (grammatical form) in which the subject sentence does not take action, but instead receives the action (as a receiver of the action ). The action is followed up by another agent (as a doer of the action ) who can be mentioned or not. In contrast to the active voice, the subject is directly related to the verb by acting as the actor of the action. Active sentences may be changed to passive, especially active sentences that use a transitive verb (need to be followed by a direct object). Function In the English language, the passive voice is a sentence whose function is often underestimated. In fact, there are several functions of the passive voice that are crucial and cannot be replaced by the active voice. If you use active when passive is needed, you gonna embarrass yourself! You can see more about the passive voice function as follows. To explain sentences where a subject is an inanimate object The pa...