
Definition of Invitation Text in English

We often hear the word invitation (invitation) but what is the true meaning of this invitation text? According to the language experts as outlined in his dictionaries, the invitation was determined:

According to the Oxford Learner's Dictionary interpret "invitation" as follows:

a spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go somewhere.

So "invitation" is a request either in the form of words or written to someone to do something or go somewhere.

Simply explain what is an invitation? But to understand more here is a more comprehensive understanding of the invitation.

According to, invitations are:

An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific event.

If we interpret it in Indonesian, an invitation is a request, invitation, or effort for others to be willing to join us at a certain event.

Communicative Purpose Invitation Text in English

Actually, from some of the meanings that have been conveyed above, the communicative purpose of the invitation text is very clear, namely inviting or inviting someone to attend a certain event. In general, each invitation will be marked to include the following phrases:

  • Would you like to come
  • Would you like to join us
  • I would like to invite you
  • Request the present of ...

It can be marked with a variety of phrases and sentences that have the meaning of inviting the basic vocabulary of "invite", "join", "come", "request", etc.

Generic Structure Invitation English

The composition of sentences, phrases, or paragraphs of an invitation is usually called a generic structure or schematic structure. In general, each invitation has its uniqueness, but overall it can be underlined that the invitation (invitation text) will be written with the following structure:

1. Invite: Who is invited

2. Body of invitation: The contents of the invitation are usually in the form of the following:

Occasion: This invitation is made for what event

Day or Date: Day and date

Time: Time set

Place: The place where guests are expected to be

3. Inviter: Who invites

Once again the arrangement as above is just a general benchmark of how an invitation is written in English. And even so, there will be many variations of the elements included in the invitation and it may differ from one another

Social life among humans is inseparable from the holding of various kinds of events. A collection of people will gather at certain events such as weddings, social gatherings, meetings, etc.

Each event needs an invitation so that everyone who is expected to come to know information about the event being held. Now in English, there are two types of invitations that can be made namely formal and informal invitations.

When viewed from the meaning, the invitation is an invitation that can be written or oral form. In an invitation, there is information or information about the event in question. Starting from the name of the person who was invited or who received the invitation to the time, day, and date the event was held. The goal, of course, is that people who receive invitations come to the event.

Differences from Formal and Informal Invitations

The difference between formal and informal invitations is on several factors. First is the language style. At formal invitations, the style of language used is polite while informal is more relaxed. So that formal invitation is used on formal or important types of events. The second difference is structure or pattern.

Informal invitations certain patterns must be followed especially in English. Because the scale of people downloaded is quite large and could have a high position. The structure must be clear and complete. Whereas informal invitations only need to convey complete information, so the structure is usually not given much attention.

3 Structure and Examples of Formal Invitations

Before entering into the formal invitation example, you should first learn what structures it uses. Both in terms of language style, sentence structure, and phrases used. The following structure must be used.

1. Title

In the English invitation, an invitation or person invited is called invitee. But in the invitation, the title can be called just the invitation or the name of the event then followed by invitation. Seeing the title of the event, of course, people who get an invitation already know the purpose of its contents.

Under the title also write the name of the person invited. Can use the word Dear or To. Then followed by Mr. or Mrs. and the name of the person. In this part of the prefix, the concepts for all invitations are the same and must be present.

2. Fill in the Invitation

Enter the contents section then there is an opening word that is inserted after the name of the person invited. This greeting is a thank you and introduction for information on the event. Then proceed with the following sequence:

Occasion / Occasion:

Day and Date / Day and Date:



After the information is conveyed, it is followed by closing sentences and hopes to attend the event.

3. People who invite

Called inviter some formal invitations usually often include this third part. Especially if the invitation is for official events such as meetings.

This means that if there is a change in schedule or an error in the invitation to a question about the event, the person receiving the invitation can ask the inviter.

Formal dialogue

Formal dialogue is a dialogue that uses language or formal and polite sentences, we usually do formal dialogue when we are in formal places and talk to people who are older than us, people we respect, and so forth.

Words that are often used in formal dialogues such as:

  • good morning, afternoon, the night
  • could you help me? 
  • see you tomorrow
  • is this yours? 
  • could you repeat it? 

The phrase is often used when the invitation is FORMAL or official activities

Gambar ungkapan contoh dialog Accepting an Invitation

This is Example Formal Invitation Card

Informal dialogue

Informal dialogue is a conversation that usually uses sentences or language that is more relaxed, this conversation is usually done with friends, friends, or people who are already familiar. Also, informal conversations are usually conducted in informal places such as at home, markets, malls, on the road, and so on.

Words that are often used in informal dialogue, for example:

  • Hi!
  • hello,
  • can you help me?
  • will you help me?

The phrase that is often used when the invitation is INFORMAL alias is not official

Gambar ungkapan contoh dialog Accepting invitations

 This example of informal Invitation card

In everyday life, of course, we often encounter situations where we invite someone or accept an invitation from someone else. Such as meeting invitations, birthday parties, wedding parties, graduation parties, and others. If you get an invitation from someone we can accept or reject it. Now here we will learn about how to accept and reject invitations verbally or in English accepting and declining invitations.

The expression Accepting and Declining Invitation in situations:

How to Accept and Refuse Invitations in English - ESLBuzz Learning English

Making an Invitation

  • Would you come to…?
  • Might you want to go along with us? 
  • Would you run with me today?
  • What about hanging out with us today? 
  • Do you like to come? 
  • Would you like to…? 
  • I would very happy if…?
  • We would be delighted if you…? 
  • Would you care to..? 
  • We would be pleased if you could…? 

Accepting Invitation

  •  That’s very kind of you 
  • We’d like very glad to…. 
  • What a delightful idea
  • With the greatest pleasure 
  • Thank you very much for inviting me 
  • It’s delightful to…. 
  • That would be very nice 
  • OK, I will be there! 
  • I’d like love to come. 
  • Sure, I am coming 
  • Yes, obviously 
  • Alright, I’ll come 
  • That is a smart thought 
  • I can’t say no. 

Declining Invitation 

  • I’m very sorry, I don’t think I can go. 
  • I’d like to, but...
  • I’m afraid I’ve already promised... 
  • Thank you for asking me, but... 
  • Unfortunately, I can’t... 
  • I'm sorry, I can’t.
  • I’d love to, but...
  • I don’t think I can. 
  • I wish I could, but...
  • Sorry, I am very busy. 
  • Sorry, maybe next time. 
  • Thank you, but I can’t. 
  • Sorry, I think I can't. 
  • I can’t come 
  • I am sad 


  1. Ini Think the text Colours the same colour as the background maybe you shoulf change it


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